Dødsfald: Michael Burks blev 54 år

Den kendte og yderst respekterede bluessanger Michael Burks er gået bort, blot 54 år gammel. Burks der bla. kunne opleves i Danmark så sent som i November 2010 kollapsede angiveligt i Atlanta Airport efter en flyve tur fra Italien, hvor han netop havde været på turne.

Bruce Iglaurer der ejer Alligator Records har udsendt følgende statement:

“Michael ‘Iron Man’ Burks, the great blues guitarist and singer, has died suddenly. He was returning from a successful tour of Europe and collapsed in customs at the Atlanta airport. He was rushed to the hospital but they were unable to revive him. Michael was a sweet man, hugely talented and deeply soulful. I was proud to have him call me his friend.”